I find Lacte Duet breastpump is small in size and very light hence easy to carry around. It doesn't produce loud noise while using it. Parts are easy to assemble too.
I am a stay at home mom hence i don't really need to pump frequently to stock up EBM like I did when I was working. I only express my breast milk when my breast is engorged / feeling full, due to my 1 month old baby only takes 1 breast per feed. But each time breast engorged with lumps, I must say Lacte pump helps to remove my breastmilk effortlessly! i don't even have to massage on the lumps while expressing breast milk. Within 13minutes, I can get 6oz breastmilk and breast is very much soften.
Thanks to Lacte Duet pump, I can now share my extra breast milk with 3 other childrens:
1. My 4 years old, occasionally requests it whenever she sees me expressing breast milk
2. My good friend didn't manage to sustain her breast milk supply for her 9 months old daughter, hence I'm offering her my stash of breast milk
3. 2 premature babies are in NICU and the mother is not able to express breast milk for her babies.
Lacte Duet pump is indeed good and affordable! Value for money! |